This course is for you if...
You’re still texting, calling, or seeing your ex and it’s making it harder to let go
You want to understand why heartbreak hurts so badly and why you miss your ex so much
You’re overwhelmed by the loneliness
You feel like the breakup impacted your confidence
You're seeking closure, but can't seem to get it
You're ruminating often
You're asking yourself a lot of "what if" and "why" questions
You're overwhelmed by the idea of having to start over with someone else
You were excited to build a life with your ex and feel like the breakup is a major setback
But you want to...
Feel confident in yourself and your ability to create a life you're proud of
Show up as your best self in your other relationships
Actually enjoy your season of singleness
Know yourself on a deeper level
Feel more prepared before your next relationship
Feel ready to get back out there and start dating again
Feel hopeful about love again
Put yourself first by prioritizing your self care practices
Wake up each day full of self love