How Do I Recover From Burnout Without Quitting My Job?


Team Mend

Do you feel drained, cynical, and detached from your work? These are a few of the common symptoms of burnout. Experiencing these symptoms of burnout can negatively impact your productivity and overall well-being. When you’re feeling stuck in burnout, it feels like the only thing you can do to relieve yourself from it is to throw the whole job away. As tempting as that might sound, it’s not always the best solution or even an option.

According to a recent study by the American Institute of Stress, 83% of American workers suffer from work-related stress, and it's estimated that job burnout costs US businesses approximately $300 billion per year. This means that switching jobs or industries isn’t necessarily the cure-all we think it’ll be. In some situations, quitting and finding a new job can be the healthiest option. But it’s important to recognize that burnout is a common problem faced by many people in the modern workplace, across industries and positions.

So what can you do if you’re burned out and you can’t quit your job?

Here are five tips you can implement in your life to help you recover from burnout without quitting your job.

Take a Break

One of the most effective ways to support yourself through a period of burnout is to take a break. This can be a vacation or even just a day off from work. Taking a break can help you recharge your batteries and come back to work with renewed energy and focus. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, employees who take regular breaks are more productive and experience less stress than those who don't.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is an essential component of recovering from burnout. This includes taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Make time for activities that bring you joy and help you relax, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Remember that self-care isn’t one size fits all, so stay open to the possibilities of what actually works for you.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is an important step in preventing and recovering from burnout. This means learning to say no to requests that aren't essential, delegating tasks when possible, and setting realistic expectations for yourself. According to a study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, employees who set clear boundaries experience less stress and are more satisfied with their jobs. And be sure to communicate these boundaries to your colleagues and superiors. Maybe bring it up in your next one-on-one.

Seek Support

Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can help you cope with burnout. It's important to talk to someone who can provide a listening ear and help you work through your feelings. When seeking support from a loved one, be sure to let them know what would make you feel most supported. Are you looking for them to quietly listen or do you want their advice and input? Being upfront about this helps your loved ones show support in the way you’ll best receive it.

Find Meaning in Your Work

Finding meaning in your work can help you feel more engaged and motivated. This means identifying what is important to you about your job and focusing on those aspects. Consider what got you excited about your job in the first place. Try to keep your focus on that and let it be your motivation.

Recovering from burnout without quitting your job is possible, but it’s certainly not easy. By taking these steps to rest and reset, as well as learning how to set and communicate boundaries, you can overcome burnout and find greater satisfaction in your career. Remember that burnout is a common problem, and you are not alone. With the right tools and support, you can regain your energy, motivation, and sense of purpose.

If you’re looking for more support as you work through a period of burnout, we’ve put together a course that guides you through the journey and teaches you the tools that’ll help you with burnout recovery. You’ll learn tools and strategies rooted in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), CBT, and more. Get 50% off when you enroll in How To Recover From Burnout for a limited time using code BLOG50 at checkout.

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