How To Reinvent Yourself This Year


Elle Huerta

The start of the new year is a perfect time to look at how you want to grow. It's time to become a more vibrant and happy version of you. Here are some ideas to get you started...


Your environment is a reflection of your mind. Decluttering your space can be very therapeutic. Out with the old and in with the new. Clearing out your space allows new opportunities and positive energy to enter your life.

Make New Goals

Having goals gives you perspective and direction. What would you love to happen this year, how do you want to feel on a daily basis, what would you like to create? Create a plan of action and make it happen!

Create A Bucket List 

It’s easy to get stuck reading the same types of books, having the same routine, and engaging in the same activities. Challenge yourself to think of new things you want to do. Make a bucket list of everything you want to try this year.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Do something (safe of course!) that scares you. The best way to grow is to go and do something outside of your comfort zone. You’ll feel an amazing sense of accomplishment afterward.

Revamp Your Style

It could be a new haircut, a bold lipstick shade, or rocking a new outfit. Beauty and style is a great way to express yourself. A couple of changes can help you feel more like the person you want to become.

Make Changes

Take some time to assess what’s going on in your life and what improvements you would like to see. Then commit to making those changes happen. Don’t be afraid to call in support from friends, family, and/or professionals. It takes great strength to admit what isn’t working for you. Once you start to take steps to change, it can feel like a huge weight has been lifted and an immense accomplishment.

Follow Your Intuition 

If you have a nagging feeling that you’ve been ignoring, spend some time exploring that. Maybe there’s a part of you that would like to change jobs or apply for a promotion, start a business, get out there anddate, or travel. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to explore it!

Make Yourself A Priority

Make yourself a priority. This isn’t about acting from a place of selfishness. It’s about replenishing yourself so that you can give your all to the people and things in your life that matter. It’s about cultivating ultimate respect for yourself and having boundaries.

Reinvention is a chance to reset and make changes based on your past experiences that will bring more peace, happiness, excitement, and fulfillment into your world - which you deserve and are worthy of!

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