Alternative #1: Hit the bar.
No, not that bar. We’re talking about the brow bar. If your eyes really are the windows into your soul, then chances are you have heartbreak shining through. Shaping up your eyebrows and giving them a little trim will instantly open up your eyes, helping to brighten your appearance. So take a break from your ex’s Facebook page and read what Yelpers are saying about your local eyebrow experts. Who knows, you may just think twice about hiding behind those big black shades all day.
Alternative #2: Wash yourself clean.
Pick up a sugar scrub at the drug store, or if you’re really looking to freshen up your coat, find your local Korean spa for some tough love. Trust us. “Out with the old and in with the new” will have a whole new meaning.
Alternative #3: Keep Calm & Wear Lipstick.
So, you may not be ready to take off your shades and show your face to the world, and that’s okay. Baby steps. A bold lip is just enough color to convince your friends and family to look past your all back ensemble and know that you are OKAY. Hope is on the horizon. If you haven’t bought a tube of lipstick since Halloween (and black lipstick is tempting…but NSFW), don’t fret. Head to your nearest makeup counter or beauty store and try on a few colors – it will be fun!
Alternative #4: Get your hair did.
For whatever reason, women tend to navigate breakups at the hair salon. Although you may be tempted to do something drastic, put down the scissors and color for a minute and consider a deep conditioning treatment paired with a bombshell blow out. We’re going to bet you’ll walk out feeling like a more confident you. Blow dry bars can be a more affordable option than salons – try Dry Bar, Dream Dry or Blo Blow Dry Bar.
Alternative #5: Cry it out baby.
It’s okay to cry. The tears that are brought about by emotion have a different chemical composition than the ones you shed when slicing up an onion. Emotional tears contain more protein-based hormones like prolactin, adrenocoritcoptropic hormone and leucine enkephalin (a natural painkiller) than tears caused by an allergy or discomfort. What does this mean? A good cry can help stabilize your hormone levels and minimizes stress related flare ups like breakouts or hair loss. (Source: NYT)
And after all of that, if you’re still feeling like chopping your locks after a few weeks, we applaud you for it.