What To Do When Your Friends Get Engaged During The Holidays


Team Mend

If you’re newly single, it can be emotionally brutal when the holiday engagement season gets going. You’re happy for your newly engaged friends, of course, but their news can also sting a little if you’re mourning a relationship.

So how do you deal with this?

First, know that it’s completely natural. Try not to be hard on yourself for experiencing these emotions. The holidays can be a very sensitive time when it comes to relationships, especially if you were planning on being with your ex and that hasn’t panned out. Also, if you’re feeling jealous or left behind, remind yourself that you’re just human. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad friend.

One of the best ways to move through jealousy and envy is to see your friend’s happiness as a sign of what’s yet to come for you. Just like graduating college or buying your first home, friends getting engaged is a natural part of life. It happens at different times for different people. So try and look at the engagement news in a less personal way.

Instead, look at it as a stepping stone of life. Your friend is making that step, and it’s wonderful for them. It isn’t a reflection of what you don’t have, it just means that it’s still something you can look forward to. Allow your friends to have their moment and just know that when you get engaged, it will feel so good to have that reciprocated.

If it’s social media engagement posts that are triggering you, use the holidays to step away and try a digital detox. Instead of scrolling through photos, bring the focus right back to yourself. Make plans to hang out with other single friends. Go holiday shopping. Volunteer. Update your dating profile. Begin a new project. Ultimately, when you feel good about where you’re heading, the celebratory news of others won’t be as upsetting. We know you’ll get there!

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